All Pennsylvania State Nationals understand the responsibility to maintain the Peace and uphold the Public Law - to do no harm to another, nor their property.
The Peacekeeping Task Force is populated by people who step up to serve the public in additional capacities as Peacekeeping Officers. The County Sheriff of the Land Jurisdiction is the highest level of law in his/her county.
The people of the state comprise the body of the Militia, to perform the functions of protection, and to coordinate a community response in times of emergency, natural disasters, invasion, etc. Our responsibility is to be a "well-regulated body", - meaning prepared - for these situations, in order to uphold our commitments to each other as the living people of Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania Assembly is first and foremost a family.
The Pennsylvania People, refers to all Pennsylvanians who reclaim their Land jurisdiction political status as State Nationals or State Citizens, who agree to live and work in Peace and uphold the Public Law: To do no harm to others, or their property. They are entitled to all Rights due them as a Pennsylvanian and an American, whether they actively participate in the Pennsylvania Assembly governance processes or not.