Anna Von Reitz founded The Living Law Firm in Alaska, a team of dedicated lawyers who relinquished their BAR card status as attorneys. Over the years, this team has grown to include other law groups with the same commitment to truth and justice.
For more than 20 years, this group and others worldwide have been deeply engaged in research to uncover the truth and work toward restoring our country to the lawful government envisioned by our Founding Fathers. Their efforts focus on re-establishing governance rooted in the Constitution and a common law system.
We invite you to join us in this important mission to create meaningful change. Thank you for taking the time to hear our message and be part of this transformative journey. Together, we can help restore what was originally intended for our nation.
“Do it with resolve befitting the gravity of the situation and the sacredness of the honor, remembering how many have died and suffered, so that you have the right to assemble and take all of these lawful actions. As you rescue other Americans who have been kidnapped and left as helpless castaways in “international waters” — be glad for them, and glad for yourselves, too.” - Anna Von Reitz On Coming Back To The Land
Have you ever wondered why what we all call—the Law of the Land—is so elusive, and, in fact, mostly disregarded by the people who are supposed to be protecting us—“the government, police and the courts?” The only reason for government to exist is to protect our property and us. That’s it!
As an American and a Pennsylvanian, you deserve protections, explanations, and remedies that have been undisclosed for generations. Fortunately, many historians and researchers have spent countless hours researching the intended governmental structure set up by our Founders, and the actual history of this country from the conclusion of the Civil War to the present. If you were born in this Country, your birth was registered by the State where you were born through a Birth Certificate. This registration was fraudulent and undisclosed. Legally it converted you from your natural birthright status as an American to a “US Citizen”, or “Citizen of the United States.”
You may say …. SO WHAT?
This “unlawful conversion” changed everything about your status and standing in the law. Instead of being a living being on the Land, you were converted to a “person” lost in the jurisdiction of the Sea. Join the Pennsylvania Assembly and return to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction.
Read the differences between a United States Citizen and an American State National below:
United States Citizen
American State National
The Pennsylvania Assembly not only provides the necessary education to understand the situation, we provide a simple packet of documents to help you correct your status. Once you claim your corrected status as a Pennsylvania National, you live and breathe on the Land and Soil and regain your unalienable rights outlined in our founding documents, and can participate in self-governing, which is what our system requires. With Rights come Responsibilities. In our system, power flows from the bottom up. So the people have to participate and govern. It is not about having an opinion and voting every four years hoping that things will change.
We are working to restore our lawful government and invite you to join us in this critical effort! This is not about politics—it’s about addressing criminality and holding those in power accountable.
Before you can join the Assembly, there are several things you'll need to do. Start by reading all the information provided here to help you prepare.
If you are choosing to stand on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction, please contact The Pennsylvania Coordinator or use the Contact Us form for guidance on where to begin and which paperwork selection is the best option for you. You will receive emails with several questions for you to answer to assist the Assembly in setting up a file in your name and to receive your basic information so they can forward you the correct documents. The documents come with complete directions that will assist you in completing them and tell you where to send them when they are completed. We offer help if you need it, by Pennsylvania Assembly members, to complete your documents correctly. You can scroll to the bottom of this page to learn more about each of the documents.
The Assembly does all the Notarizing and Recording so there is no need for you to go to anywhere else to accomplish these things.
There are also videos located here to assist in guiding you through the process.
We’ve found that collaborating directly with the Assembly Coordinator and the Recording Secretaries to complete your documents is the most effective way to ensure they are filled out correctly and thoroughly.
We work alongside you to ensure you take the necessary steps to reclaim full ownership of everything previously assigned to the state (such as registered businesses and assumed names from previous marriages) and to help you determine whether to join The Assembly as a State National or a State Citizen (see the differences below).
State Nationals: everyone born within the physical geographical borders of a State. A National has no particular duty to serve the State other than to obey the Public Law (Non-Statutory Law) and keep the peace.
State Citizens: those State Nationals who additionally choose to serve the State Government in some capacity, such as Jurors, Militia Members, elected officials, or hired officers.
Four (4) forms that have existed in the country since the War of Independence. Read about them here and here.
With Citizenship comes responsibility!
Collaborating directly with us to complete and record your documents enables you to take advantage of the expertise of our Recording Secretaries. To ensure that you don't unintentionally overlook anything, we may ask you a few administrative questions, such as:
• Do you own any businesses or have LLCs still active?
• Have you been married/divorced?
• Did you ever serve in the Military?
• Do you hold any active professional licenses or otherwise?
• Are you receiving any government assistance?
These questions are crucial to ensuring that your documents encompass every aspect of your life and your family's. Please keep in mind that these are just a few examples of the comprehensive intake process we guide you through to make sure everything is addressed!
To correct your political status, complete the Basic Package of Editable Forms, Article #928 OR the 1779 Declaration “One-Pager”. Below is an explanation of each document.
The 1779 Declaration ("One-Pager")
The One Page Declaration (The 1779 Naturalization Act) is sufficient in and of itself to replace the 928 documents for purposes of participation in the State Assemblies to conduct all business that people may normally engage in.
This one-page document adequately replaces the 928 document packet, and with the State Assembly recording and verifying identities, we’ve created a more efficient and friendly recording services process.
This must be submitted with two Witness Affirmation Forms and a copy of your birth certificate.
928 Package - Basic Package of Editable Forms (Article 928 Documents)
Package Includes:
Oath of Allegiance/Act of Expatriation
This process allows you to reclaim control over your STRAWMAN NAMES, affirming that you are not a citizen of the CORPORATE ENTITY. By taking this step, you repatriate the STRAWMAN, restoring your lawful trade name as a man or woman standing on the soil of your state of domicile.
Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Deed of Conveyance (If NOT born in the United States)
This process allows you to adopt the State you reside in as your home State—your naturalized State. You convey all names and NAMES from any presumption of being dead or lost at sea and firmly establish them on the soil of your state of domicile. It also releases you from any presumption of having delegated Power of Attorney, Executorships, Guardianships, or Agency Relationships to any corporations. It firmly establishes you as the sole living owner, executor, beneficiary, and agent of your name and estate since your 21st birthday.
Deed of Reconveyance (If born in the United States)
You are reconveying all names and NAMES from any presumption of being dead or lost at sea and firmly establishing them on the soil. It also releases you from any presumption that you have authorized to the Corporations(s) any Power of Attorney, Executorships, Guardianships, or Agency Relationships and firmly establishes that you are the sole living owner, executor, beneficiary, and agent of your name and estate since your 21st birthday.
Certificate of Assumed Name
This is a very powerful document. It invokes your Common Law Rights, transfer of reserved name, and the filing of NAME(S) when business is conducted under an assumed name. It uses these session laws to Transfer your STRAWMAN NAMES into your true estate of a Living Man/Woman standing on the soil of your domicile.
It invokes the Article IV Remedy clause of the Cestue Que Vie Act of 1666, which allows you to claim all your assets, property, etc., free and clear of taxes, fees, liens, or any other encumbrance. It puts the CORPORATION on Notice that their oath and bond will be liened if they violate your rights.
It also contains your Mandatory Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, which states that the Living Soul is a Foreign Sovereign owed all rights, guarantees, and protections of The Constitution for the united States of America.
Cancellation of all Prior Powers of Attorney
All prior Powers of Attorney granted are removed, canceled, and permanently revoked. However, if you would like to leave specific Powers of Attorney in place for personal reasons (e.g., to accommodate an ill family member), you can personalize this document to leave those intact.
Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
This puts the CORPORATION on notice that you are not any part of either the territorial or municipal CORPORATION or acting in that capacity in any way. It states that you are standing on the soil since your nativity under Common Law and are owed the Law of Peace. It states that any harm resulting from trespass upon these vessels (you) or to any of the fictitious names or titles related to them shall be subject to full commercial liability and penalties: 18 USC 2333, 18 USC 1341, and 1342.
DNA Paramount Claim
The false probate of estates, the contracting with minors, the false claims of guardianship, the false claims of abandonment, pauperism, claims of "legal" death, and claims of commonwealth interest in the estates of "infant decedents" do go all the way back to the Church in the Middle Ages. It vastly predates the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666. Did you know that unless you specifically ask for it back, the hospital seizes upon the placenta as property and retains it? They also claim the DNA "found" in the placenta -- your DNA -- as "abandoned property". That then gives them the right to claim you right down to your hair and fingernails.
Like all such claims, it's fraudulent, non-disclosed theft and crime against babies and new Mothers, but if you don't come back and claim your DNA, their false claim in commerce stands. This is becoming ever more critical to claim as the move is on to create "Biological ID" devices, cards, readers, etc., for use in banking and government. And, if they have already claimed your DNA, they can claim any assets attached to that DNA.
Baby Deed of Land Recording
This is for your offspring who are under the age of 21 to protect them.
Other Documents Available